Authors, thank you for the beautiful and brave work of writing stories.

After launching our bookshop in November of 2021, we can, in part, empathize with how it feels to toil and create and then invite folks to enjoy what you have made. It is a brave, vulnerable act and we sincerely commend authors for doing it.

While we appreciate the efforts of authors to champion their work, we gently and firmly ask that authors not send or bring galleys or for-sale titles to the bookshop unsolicited.

We ask that authors interested in having their title stocked on our shelves complete the form below. Doing so both ensures we are able to consistently evaluate titles for fit and fiscal feasibility and demonstrates respect for our time as professional booksellers.

It is our practice to refuse receiving titles which seek to circumvent this process. We appreciate your respect for and adherence to this process.

Frankly speaking, one of the best ways to get your book on our shelves is to be a regular patron of our shop.